Nieuwe details Unleashed album
Gepost in Nieuws door Peter Hagen op 26-01-2012

De Zweedse vikingen Unleashed hebben meer details over hun aankomende nieuwe album bekend gemaakt. "Odalheim" zoals het album zal heten zal aankomende 20 april uitkomen via Nuclear Blast. Hij is opgenomen in het thuisland van de band bij de Chrome Studio van hun eigen gitarist Frederik.
“And Yggdrasil did tremble… and during the three years of everlasting cold and darkness called the Fimbulwinter, Mother Nature took back what was rightfully hers. And life as we knew it was never the same again. It was Ragnarök, liberator and death. From the ashes of the old world, a new one began to take form. Here is where the story of Odalheim begins…”