
Bassist Seita stopt

Gepost in Nieuws door Peter Hagen op 03-12-2010

Vandaag komt het bericht dat bassist Andre Sparta, wegens persoonlijke omstandigheden, besloten heeft met de band Seita te stoppen. Zondag 12 December, na Thrashfest in de Melkweg, is in de Cave te Amsterdam, de laatste kans om de band in deze line-up te zien. In het begin van 2011 zal er meer informatie over een opvolger worden gepubliseerd.

Hierbij Andre's verklaring: Dear friends, With pain in my heart I let you know that I will leave Seita at the end of this year. The combination with my work as a tattoo-artist turned out to be too heavy. Until now I have managed to do it, but since the carreer of the band is moving forward more time will be asked from the members, so a choice has to be made. The last 2,5 years were a great experience for me. I met many cool people and had good times with the guys. We went to many nice countries and cities, like South-Korea, Spain, France, etc... and we shared the stage with great bands. I enjoyed it a lot! Thanks to all of you for sharing the good moments on- and offstage! See you somewhere in the future! Cheers! Andre Sparta

Seita [BR]