Nieuw album De Profundis aangekondigd

De UK-based progressieve maar vooral ook extreme De Profundis zal in November met de opnames van hun nieuwe plaat gaan beginnen. A Bleak Refection gaat het project heten en zal 8 nieuwe nummer met een totaal lengte van ongeveer 55 minuten bevaten. De productie zal wederom in handen zijn van Fernando Pereira Lopes (Misanthrope, Orakle).
Commentaar van gitarist Shoi Sen: "The writing this time was really exciting, because this line up has now been recording and touring for the last 2 years, so we have gelled a lot as a unit and this transpired in the writing. The music is faster, more technical and more condensed than in the past. We have already been playing a couple of new songs on the road and judging by the crazy reaction we get for them, I think people will get a shock when they hear this new album. We will be posting regular updates and videos snippets of new songs on our revamped Facebook page so make sure to check it out!