Murder Therapy (IT) kondigt nieuwe video en tour aan

De Italiaanse extreme Death Metallaars "Murder Therapy" werken momenteel aan een nieuwe videoclip voor het nummer "The Scourge". Deze zal in de loop van deze maand klaar zijn. Hiernaast maakt de band bekend dat er een kleine Europese tour gepland staat door Italië, Oostenrijk, Duitsland en Tsjechie in April. Daarnaast heeft de band besloten om het volledige album "Symmetry of Delirium" op zowel MySpace als als stream online te zetten.
De reactie van de band:
"We decided to take another step in doing things our way. We have uploaded our entire album, hoping it will stay online a long time. We know we are not the first band to do this, and will not be the last, although most of the time albums are streamed only for a limited promotional time. We want to use this blog to be clear about what we are doing. There are certain beliefs about the music/internet relationship that we think don't make sense anymore. To think that downloading an album equals a failure in selling it is madness. Thinking that streaming an entire album could demotivate its purchase is absurd (unless the album is really bad, eh eh). Having the listener find somewhere else (blogspots, Torrents, P2P..) a 'preview' of the entire album, instead of having the band present it is nonsense. So, in the attempt of taking back what is ours and present it to our listeners in the way we think is right, we decided to leave our entire album "Symmetry of Delirium" online. If you think our music is interesting listen to it here and maybe tell us what you think about it, it will be more than appreciated. And if you feel like supporting Murder Therapy, grab our merch online, in a store or at our concerts? now!".
De eerste full-length studio plaat "Symmetry of Delirium" van Murder Therapy, opgenomen en gemix in de 16th Cellar Studio's in Rome (IT) door Stefano Morabito, welke hiervoor o.a. gewerkt heeft met Hour of Penance & Fleshgod Apocalypse, was op 7 September 2009 via Deity Down Records gereleased.
"Symmetry of Delirium" track listing:
01. The Scourge
02. Extra-ordinary Perfect Machine
03. Staring at the Zodiac
04. Tales of the Bizarre
05. Equilibrium
06. Two Shots in Colebrook
07. Hidden in Lies
08. Asymmetry
09. Delirium