Fuelblooded announce break from liveshows

It has been a while folks. Last time, we announced our cd release party (which went great by the way!). Unfortunately, this time the message is not so bright: we 'suffered some casualties' in the band and the result is that Fuelblooded is currently a two-piece. Danny, Peter and Norbert decided, for different reasons, to quit the band. All this happened within a period of two months, and for the last month Michel and myself have been thinking about the next steps to take with Fuelblooded.
We were and are still very happy with our new album 'Off the Face of the Earth'. The problem is that we cannot promote it live at this time. We decided we are not going to try to complete the line up as soon as possible. It will be a hell of a job finding the right replacements, and then these guys will need to learn all the material before we can do anything. It is gonna take a while, probably. Basically, we decided to put Fuelblooded on hold for the moment as an active live band. We'll start working on a new album, actually we already started that! We're about four songs into the process, so still far from finished. Who knows when it will be finished... But there will be new Fuelblooded material to look forward to!
We'll keep you posted. When we have something to report, you'll hear from us through one of our various digital shapes. In the meantime, do enjoy our new album, we got some great reviews for it and did a couple of cool interviews as well.
Obviously, we feel very sad to bring you this news. We were very much looking forward to bring Fuelblooded to a stage near your town and kick some serious ass! But the facts are clear: we just can't do that right now. However, we're on the lifemachine and the patient has a strong heartbeat still. As stated before: we'll let you know when something interesting happens!
See all of you later!
Michel & Michiel