Het verhaal achter de nieuwe video van Shining

De Zweedse Shining is druk in de weer voor het uitkomen van het inmiddels al 8ste full-length album "Redefining Darkness". Dit staat gepland voor de 29ste oktober en zal via Spinefarm Records verschijnen. De video van "Tillsammans Är Vi Allt" die de band afgelopen week uitbracht is van het vorige album en heeft nogal wat stof doen opwaaien bij de internet pers. Hieronder een kleine uitleg over de video en zijn diepere betekenis:
Contrary to how the video has been interpreted by both some press and fans alike, who have mistaken it for a simple glossy music video, there is, in fact, a symbolism behind it, one which both SHINING frontman Niklas Kvarforth, and guest vocalist Håkan "Nordman" Hemlin, are all too familiar with. Taking as its theme a wedding between a dominant and corrupting groom, portrayed by Kvarforth, and a desirable and deceptively innocent bride, portrayed by Swedish model December Wiklund, the video uses their marriage to symbolise the insidious effects of substance abuse. By the end of the video, the roles have been reversed, with the bride having complete control over the groom, in the same way that substance abuse becomes a marriage between the drug and the user, subtly taking over and destroying the addict’s life, and leaving him unable to give up the very thing that is destroying him.The "Tillsammans Är Vi Allt" video is more than a trite music video replete with the mandatory titillation of sex and blood. It is Kvarforth’s vision of a life-consuming obsession depicted through imagery, as opposed to simply music and lyrics. Both Kvarforth and Hemlin, who appears in live footage throughout the video, have experienced the effects of substance abuse in the past. They have survived the obsession that has destroyed others and come through to the other side with more control of their lives, but their performance both live and on the album itself clearly shows that re-living that past brought a sense of anguish to their interpretation.